jQuery Proven Performance Tips And Tricks (Slides)

Thanks to everyone that attended the jQuery London and London Web Standards meetups this month. As requested, here are the slides from my talks including links to all of the jsPerf tests embedded for each section.


In case you missed the talk, the main takeaway from it was the importance of performance-testing your JavaScript and jQuery code (and appreciating performance gotchas you can keep in mind when writing code that uses jQuery).

I feel that this is an area developers can significantly benefit from investigating further. If you haven't been using it, jsPerf.comis the bizness, so check it out.

From the feedback so far it looks like the majority of the audience found the content useful, so please feel free to share the slides if you think they can assist other developers.


I'd like to extend my thanks to Adam Sontag, JD Dalton, Mathias Bynens, Andree Hansson and others for helping tech review the slides and tests. If there are any improvements made to the tests in the presentation, I'll post about them to this resource page.

As always, thank you for reading and sharing my posts over the year. If you have any feedback at all about the talk, or topics you would like me to consider covering at future events, conferences or otherwise, please feel free to drop me a line. I'm very open to new ideas and hope that the material helps you learn something new.

Until next time, g'luck with your projects!
